Tag: ME/C


Lessons in Leadership: Leading Change in Dynamic Environments

This five-part webinar series is designed for leaders navigating organizational change, such as technology transitions, within their crime labs. This webinar series will explore key aspects of change leadership, including communication strategies that foster transparency and trust, and highlight methods to sustain morale, even in the face of uncertainty, while adopting principles of transformational leadership to guide the organization toward a shared vision.
Forensics TTA

Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner (ME/C) System Program Discussion Forum Session #1

This webinar, presented by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), features an overview of the FY2024 Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA (COLD) Program solicitation. As part of this presentation, BJA discusses various elements of the solicitation, changes that have been implemented from previous iterations of the program, eligibility requirements, and guidance for submitting an application.
Dark eggplant-filled circle with a medical icon inside

Marion County Coroner’s Office uses BJA fellowship funding to support the training of a Forensic Pathology Fellow to increase operational capacity

The Marion County Coroner’s Office has a unique fellowship program through their partnership with Indiana University School of Medicine which significantly enhances the education, training, and experience of forensic pathologists. This partnership is being utilized to develop a pipeline of future forensic pathologists by encouraging undergraduate and medical students to consider the area of forensic pathology as they make career decisions. Marion County’s efforts are critical to addressing the national shortage of forensic pathologists by not only focusing on training fellows, but also recruiting students into the field. Furthermore, Marion County Coroner’s Office is the only county in Indiana that has an accredited forensic fellowship program. The Marion County Coroner’s Office was awarded funds through the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner System (ME/C) Program to support the training of a forensic pathology fellow in their office. The office was awarded BJA fellowship funding at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. COVID significantly impacted the case load and the office’s ability to conduct investigations, creating a challenge for the office’s operation. During that time county death investigations increased, and the office lost several critical staff including pathologists and investigators. Internally, the office also faced a lack of funding from the county to keep up with staffing needed to adequately conduct death investigations. The BJA funded fellow performed 250 autopsies, which greatly assisted the staff forensic pathologists with the increased autopsy case load. The fellow graduated the program, became board certified, and now works in a Coroner’s Office in Ohio.

Assessing Stress Among MDI & Building Resilient Professionals

This webinar aims to address the critical issue of mental health and wellness for medicolegal death investigation (MDI) professionals, with a focus on preventing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohol use disorders, and other negative outcomes from prolonged exposure to trauma. This webinar has been approved for up to one continuing education credit hour through the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI).
Forensics TTA

Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner (ME/C) System Program Office Hours Session #1

This office hours session enabled Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner (ME/C) System Program grantees to engage with members from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) ME/C Team and the Forensics TTA ME/C Team. During this office hours session, BJA provided ME/C Program updates, highlighted resources available to BJA Forensics Programs grantees, and provided information on how to navigate reporting to BJA highlighting topics such as progress reports and Grant Adjustment Modifications (GAMs). Additionally, the Forensics TTA Team highlighted recent TTA resources available to BJA Forensics Programs grantees. This office hours session featured a question-and-answer segment, open discussion, and poll questions to garner ME/C grantee needs and challenges that TTA could positively support.
National Institute of Justice

Death Investigation: A Guide for the Scene Investigator, 2024

This revised and updated, 2024 edition guide for death scene investigators is the result of a collaborative effort to present the most current information about issues confronting medicolegal death investigators (MDIs) and reflects changes and advances in communication, photography, and documentation technology, as well as procedural advances in drug and child- and infant-death investigations. It also presents a greater awareness of the importance of the MDI among professional partners, families, and the media. This document also addresses how MDIs must be allowed to perform independent but collaborative investigations with law enforcement, ensuring best outcomes for death and criminal investigations [Description provided by the NIJ website].

2nd Annual BJA Forensics Programs Grantees Meeting

On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Forensics Training and Technical Assistance (Forensics TTA) Team, led by RTI International, is hosting the 2nd Annual BJA Forensics Programs Grantees Meeting, on June 10-11, 2024!