Tag: Coverdell


Just Raman Spectroscopy And GSR

In episode eight of the FTCOE’s 2019 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenter provides an overview of Raman Microspectroscopy with advanced statistics on how it detects and characterizes gunshot residue.
National Institute of Justice

National Best Practices for Implementing and Sustaining a Cold Case Investigation Unit

The U.S. Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) assembled and collaborated with the Cold Case Investigation Working Group (CCIWG) in developing this guide to assist law enforcement agencies in creating a mechanism for addressing the cold cases in their jurisdictions [Description provided by the NIJ website].

Just Screening Blood And Urine

In episode five of the FTCOE’s 2019 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenter compares two validated liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (LC/MS) methods for the quantitative analysis of opioids, cocaine, and cocaine metabolites in biological matrices.

Just Detecting Gunshot Residue

In episode four of the FTCOE’s 2019 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenter discusses a method for using liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (LC/MS) to detect organic and inorganic gunshot residues from the same sample.
Office of Justice Programs

Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutor’s Role – Lessons Learned From the Field

Based on the discussions of seasoned prosecutors of violent crime who met in 2017 to examine how to improve the investigation of violent crimes, this paper reviews the various phases of an investigation and provides an overview of issues discussed, along with representative descriptions of the approaches used and challenges faced by the jurisdictions represented [Description provided by the OJP website].
National Association of Medical Examiners

National Association of Medical Examiners Inspection and Accreditation Checklist

National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) accreditation standards are embodied in the Inspection and Accreditation Checklist. This checklist provides a realistic assessment of the quality of a system’s/office’s operations. The questions within this checklist are used during an inspection to evaluate whether or not the system/office meets the NAME Standards for Accreditation.

Just Portable Mass Spectrometer Possibilities

In episode five of the FTCOE’s 2018 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenters explore the analytical, legal, and fiscal impacts of implementing portable mass spectrometers for on-site drug evidence processing.