Tag: Coverdell


Just Detecting Gunshot Residue

In episode four of the FTCOE’s 2019 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenter discusses a method for using liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (LC/MS) to detect organic and inorganic gunshot residues from the same sample.
Office of Justice Programs

Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutor’s Role – Lessons Learned From the Field

Based on the discussions of seasoned prosecutors of violent crime who met in 2017 to examine how to improve the investigation of violent crimes, this paper reviews the various phases of an investigation and provides an overview of issues discussed, along with representative descriptions of the approaches used and challenges faced by the jurisdictions represented [Description provided by the OJP website].
National Association of Medical Examiners

National Association of Medical Examiners Inspection and Accreditation Checklist

National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) accreditation standards are embodied in the Inspection and Accreditation Checklist. This checklist provides a realistic assessment of the quality of a system’s/office’s operations. The questions within this checklist are used during an inspection to evaluate whether or not the system/office meets the NAME Standards for Accreditation.

Just Portable Mass Spectrometer Possibilities

In episode five of the FTCOE’s 2018 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Research & Development (R&D) season, the presenters explore the analytical, legal, and fiscal impacts of implementing portable mass spectrometers for on-site drug evidence processing.
Office of Justice Programs

Strengthening the Medicolegal-Death-Investigation System: Accreditation and Certification A Path Forward

After reviewing the features and importance of the work of medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) offices in contributing data on the prevalence, causes, and manner of suspicious and violent deaths, this report promotes the accreditation and certification of ME/C offices and personnel, with attention to how federal departments and agencies can facilitate this effort [Description provided by the OJP website].
Office of Justice Programs

Strengthening the Medicolegal-Death-Investigation System: Improving Data Systems

In this report, the National Science and Technology Council’s Fast-Track Action Committee on Strengthening the Medicolegal-Death-Investigation System (FTAC-SMDIS) presents recommendations for appropriate federal departments and agencies on how to address issues related to accessing and working with data produced by medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) [Description provided by the OJP website].
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Forensic Science Laboratories: Handbook for Facility Planning, Design, Construction, and Relocation

This handbook is a resource for laboratory directors, designers, consultants, and other stakeholders involved in the construction or major renovation of forensic science laboratories. Laboratory construction and renovation projects must meet the unique needs and requirements of the regional law enforcement and criminal justice community it serves. This document will guide forensic laboratory facility planners on how to meet these requirements by applying principles, processes, tools, and resources that are applicable across a broad range of facility types. This document strives to highlight basic facility life cycle processes as well as those specific requirements that are unique to forensic science laboratories [Description provided by the NIST website].
International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners

International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners Accreditation Standards Checklist

The International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners (IACME) developed this checklist to assist medical examiners/coroners track accreditation standards. Please note, updated IACME standards were released in 2024. The 2024 updated standards and corresponding checklist are not yet publicly available.