Tag: Coverdell

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Idaho State Police Forensic Services uses Coverdell funding to develop a statewide Question Documents Program and maintain Breath Alcohol Section accreditation

The Idaho State Police Forensic Services is using Coverdell funding to ramp up a statewide Question Documents Program. This Program will also service laboratories throughout the country to help address the decreasing availability of Question Documents examination. The Idaho State Police Forensic Service also employed a Coverdell–funded employee to conduct the majority of their breath alcohol calibrations to assist in maintaining accreditation of their Breath Alcohol Section. After obtaining this accreditation, they are able to calibrate every instrument in Idaho on an annual basis.
National Association of Medical Examiners

National Association of Medical Examiners Inspection and Accreditation Policies and Procedures

The National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Inspection and Accreditation (I&A) Program has the explicit purpose of improving the quality of the forensic/medicolegal investigation of death. The accreditation standards emphasize policies and procedures, not professional work product. The accreditation standards represent minimum standards for an adequate medicolegal death investigation system, not guidelines.

Project FORESIGHT Annual Report, 2021-2022

Project FORESIGHT is a business-guided self-evaluation of forensic science laboratories across the globe. The participating laboratories represent local, regional, state, and national agencies. Economics, accounting, finance, and forensic faculty provide assistance, guidance, and analysis. Laboratories participating in Project FORESIGHT have developed standardized definitions for metrics to evaluate work processes, linking financial information to work tasks, and functions. Laboratory managers can then assess resource allocations, efficiencies, and value of services—the mission of Project FORESIGHT is to measure, preserve what works, and change what does not [Description provided by the WVU website].

Triaging Cases – Case Management And All That Means

This webinar focuses on case management in forensic science laboratories, with the objective to present solutions to challenges regarding the implementation of case management and evidence triage, which can enhance efficiency and reduce backlogs. This webinar is part of the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) Train the Director Webinar Series.

Forensic Genetic Genealogy Laboratory Considerations and Technology Limitations

The application of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) has technological limitations and will not resolve every case. By taking the time to thoroughly evaluate cases and associated evidence with both local crime laboratory representatives and FGG vendor laboratory representatives, law enforcement investigators can greatly increase the chances of attaining successful case resolutions with FGG. This brief provides the SAKI TTA Team’s guidance on evidence submission based on current successes seen within the field and suggested questions to consider when choosing a FGG laboratory vendor [Description provided by the SAKI TTA website].

Just Identifying Individuals With Forensic Genetic Genealogy

In episode one of the FTCOE’s Applications of Forensic Science for Human Identification season, the presenters discuss the use of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) in identifying human remains, how it differs from searching a DNA profile in CODIS, what limitations exist when using DNA technologies to identify unknown remains, and the importance of familial reference samples.
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Human Forensic DNA Analysis Process Map

The Human Forensic DNA Analysis Process Map is intended to be used to help improve efficiencies while reducing errors, highlight gaps where further research or standardization would be beneficial, and assist with training new examiners. It may also be used to develop specific laboratory policies and identify best practices [Description provided by the NIST Human Forensic DNA Analysis Process Map].