National Institute of Justice

National Best Practices for Implementing and Sustaining a Cold Case Investigation Unit

The U.S. Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) assembled and collaborated with the Cold Case Investigation Working Group (CCIWG) in developing this guide to assist law enforcement agencies in creating a mechanism for addressing the cold cases in their jurisdictions [Description provided by the NIJ website].
Office of Justice Programs

Investigating Violent Crime: The Prosecutor’s Role – Lessons Learned From the Field

Based on the discussions of seasoned prosecutors of violent crime who met in 2017 to examine how to improve the investigation of violent crimes, this paper reviews the various phases of an investigation and provides an overview of issues discussed, along with representative descriptions of the approaches used and challenges faced by the jurisdictions represented [Description provided by the OJP website].

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part IV

In Part Four of this four-part panel discussion series, the panelists review software considerations for familial DNA searching, including candidate thresholds derived by likelihood ratio and allele counting, as well as discussing the role of Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis.

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part III

In Part Three of this four-part panel discussion series, the panelists explore the process of investigative follow-up from leads based on familial DNA searching, including costs and resources, methods of communication, and the release of information.

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part II

In Part Two of this four-part panel discussion series, panelists focus on existing protocols related to established familial DNA searching processes and how they address privacy concerns. The presenters also explore the role the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM) Familial Search Recommendations took in the development of such processes.

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part I

In Part One of this four-part panel discussion series, the panelists examine the various policies and practices associated with familial DNA searches, including technical considerations, legal challenges, and other types of DNA searches as they apply to criminal investigations.